Are you affraid of sticking out? 

If so, do not worry. It is part of our survival instinct. As human beings we have a strong urge  to belong, if we feel excluded or like we are different from the masses, it triggers our subconsciousness fear of death… 


In marketing its all about sticking out, about being seen, and being heard!

You want to find your niche and your edge! 


That is exactly how I work. My approach can be unconventional, but I get positive results.

I am not a rule breaker. But i do challenge “normal” … because it works, so far it has taken me around the world on some great growth jorneys. 

Do you want my help, to speed up your growth?

Feed me data and I will crunch them into valuable insights. There is so much data and so little time to deep dive into it. I can help you find what is hidden in the numbers. What gets measured gets managed!

It is all about analyzing data, hard and soft, to better understand your target group and your customers. When you know your insights, it enables you to make better business decisions. This will in result give you more effective and efficient strategies and campaigns. Resulting in increased value.

In a busy work environment, research and measure and evaluation often gets put into a corner, because the next urgent project needs to be handled. Missing out on all the nuggets there is to be found, use me to find these insights and let me help you take your brand or company to the next level.


Your strategy is your GPS. Without it is easy to get lost or sidetracked. Let me help you set your GPS for measurable growth.

I meet a lot of companies, who tell me they do not believe in marketing. When I ask why I find that they jumped straight to marketing. To be honest, marketing without strategy is like throwing something at the wall and hoping it sticks. You do not know what the wall is made of, and therefore do not know what to put in your marketing mix to make stick!

Always start with your VISON, where do you want to go! (GPS). Then move to your POSITIONING. Without it your marketing will be hit or miss. With that in place, create your SYSTEM, your how. How do you post on SoMe, how do you reply to customers, how do attract new business, how do you …? Next comes your USP & KPIs. Remember what gets measured gets managed.

With all that in place your business foundation is in place and you can move onto sales and marketing. Let me help you if you do not know how to get started on your strategy.

trade & customer marketing

I know what makes wholesalers and shoppers alike tick! I use this knowledge to create outstanding in-store activities with amazing POS. I work with Call2action and behavioral design and I have a bag full of proven tools.

I work with what is called the 4 A’s both when it comes to the trade (wholesalers, retailers etc.) and to customers/users. It is all about moving them up the scale. The 4 As is Availables, Acceptors, Adapters and Adores. There is also an R for rejectors. You need to know there are rejectors, but you must focus on your activities for the A-groups.  Your Adores might be the smallest group but they will be your ambassadors and they can help you spread the word.

When it comes to the trade you want to create valuable partnerships, ensuring that both of your business is generating profitable growth. If you need help with your next trade project, just reach out, I am right here.

Event Management

Seamless Event Management, Stress-Free Success

Planning an event takes time, strategy, and attention to detail—resources that many companies simply don’t have in-house. That’s where I come in. I’ll handle everything from concept to execution, ensuring your event runs smoothly and achieves your business goals. Whether it’s a corporate conference, product launch, or team-building event, I bring structure, creativity, and flawless execution to the table—so you can focus on what matters most.

Let’s make your next event a success!

Short on time? Let me build the event for you. So, you can focus on running your business!


Digital, social media & seo

Do you want to go digital but are not sure what to say or how often? Book me to strengthen your SEO, manage your website, videos, and other content? Use my digital experience and stop worrying about the digital side of your business.

Everybody wants to go digital, so they do a little here and there. Without a strategy, without a clear destination. Digital is also marketing, and as I have said before with out your GPS you do not know where or why you are going.

The companies hire digital agencies, who struggle. The customer is never happy, because they do not really know where they want to go, and the digital agency throws destinations in their direction, and the customer (company) just says “nah, not that”. It is like saying you want to go out, but only know that you do not want to go to Burger King or McDonalds or Starbucks, or, or …

Let me be your digital chauffeur. I will set the GPS and get you where you want to be!

email marketing

I simply love email marketing! It is like talking and with emails you can talk directly to your customers without interruptions. Use right message and email marketing can be your most impactful marketing channel. Let me write your emails and increase leads, sales, and loyalty.

In the beginning my clients often say, “I do not believe in email marketing” but when they see the numbers they become “believers”.   Newsletters are the right thing to do. Everybody has an email, and everybody checks it all the time. Why not be in your customers inbox getting their attention?

Email has an extremely high ROI around factor 40. No other marketing channel can compete with that. A survey shows that every other Dane wants emails from companies they like. Email marketing is inexpensive. You can write, send, and sell for a fraction of the cost of a TV ad, print ad or digital ads.

Are you collecting email addresses? If not, I can help you get started today, so you can grow tomorrow.


Exchange your email for valuable and inspiring marketing insights.

Occasional offers and campaigns

I hate spam too.

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